Garden Planting

Our client in Nailsworth was delighted with the work that Rachael and Eliza completed in June.

The garden covered an area of approximately quarter of an acre and was planted with a mixture of shrubs and herbaceous plants.

Planting around the pool garden included beautiful pale pink loosestrife as well as variegated carex for pops of colour.

Plants arrive; are checked for quality, labelled and sorted into beds. This is where plant identification knowledge is crucial. It is so exciting to see all the colours and textures coming together... 

Plants supplied by Genus in Stonehouse

This is a steep garden and the plants are barrowed to the beds, watered and set out, minor adjustments are made at this point.

The colours will be exciting to see coming together over the next few months. There is always a bit of untangling to do before plants go in the ground and we can’t wait to come back and see how the planting establishes.


Cotswold Living


On Being Brave