Life of a student architect


David Johnsey is a student at The Welsh School of Architecture in Cardiff, where he is studying for his Part II qualification.

David has been with Austin Design Works since September 2019. He has enjoyed the opportunity to experience the full breadth of all work stages from concept to build, and gained a distinction for his professional practice module. Fitting study into the week while working full-time can be challenging: even more so for David, who has additional responsibilities of milking cows, feeding horses and exercising his dogs.

“Being in this office has allowed me to be really engaged. Keeping my ear open to all that goes on has meant it really does all go in! Over the past two years, I have learnt to communicate with people in so many ways from colleagues, clients and contractors and my confidence has really grown”.

David will be returning to Cardiff to do his Masters in the Autumn.


New Senior Architect at Austin Design Works: Chloe Willis


Designing for 10% Biodiversity Net Gain