Team outing to a beautiful garden

Autumn gives us this magical feeling and connection to nature by immersing into the beautiful colours that surround us. Our day-to-day lives sometimes take over and we forget to stop and look around.

At Austin Design Works, we like to follow up on completed projects and what a great idea it was to revisit one of our landscape projects two years after its completion. As a perfect finish to the week, we did a whole practice visit with a picnic lunch and spent a couple of hours exploring the garden, seeing how it had settled into it’s surroundings.

We saw how the planting had evolved and resulted into this array of colours complementing the now silvery shingles of the garden room, the warm rustic colours, the red brick detailing and the patina on the pond.

You see, the choice of materials does matter! As a proper architecture geek, I took a lot of photographs of various combinations of material textures and things I found interesting.

When you have a minute to sit down, relax and just listen, you realise that in this beautiful garden, surrounded by the sound of nature, the water in the pond and the nearby river, everything is centred around the family, their experience and how they can now use their garden all year round.


Lock down garden finished


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