Woodland and tree management
Tree Surveys
As well as to monitor trees’ health as part of site upkeep, tree surveys may be needed to accompany a planning application where a proposed development will affect existing trees, especially within the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or Conservation Area. We can provide reports to BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction that contain:
Tree locations and constraints
Tree protection plan
Method statements
Tree risk management for landowners
Tree planting plans
Woodland and Tree Management
We offer a professional woodland tree survey and management package for landowners, estate managers and tree surgeons with responsibility for tree health, continuity and public safety. This service may include:
Woodland condition assessment, including risk assessment for trees near people or property
Thinning and Felling Licence Applications
Woodland Grant Applications
Woodland Planting Design and Specification
Paragraph 84 (previously Para 80 and 79 and before that, Para 55) Country Houses