Paragraph 80 definition and legislation

Paragraph 80 (also known as Para 80 and previously known as Para 79) addresses the development of isolated homes in the countryside, which should be avoided unless one or more of the following circumstances apply:

ADW have experience in all of these areas, and we specialise in Clause e:

(a) there is an essential need for a rural worker, including those taking majority control of a farm business, to live permanently at or near their place of work in the countryside;

(b) the development would represent the optimal viable use of a heritage asset or would be appropriate enabling development to secure the future of heritage assets;

(c) the development would re-use redundant or disused buildings and enhance its immediate setting;

(d) the development would involve the subdivision of an existing residential building; OR

(e) the design is of exceptional quality, in that it:

• is truly outstanding, reflecting the highest standards in architecture, and would help to raise standards of design more generally in rural areas; and

• would significantly enhance its immediate setting and be sensitive to the defining characteristics of the local area.