Passivhaus Design
We have certified in-house Passivhaus Design capabilities, allowing us to appraise the energy performance of all of our projects and achieve the highest standards of energy efficiency.
The Passivhaus principles help guide us in a comfort-led approach, with wellbeing at the core of each design; the high levels of insulation reduce the need for heating, cooling and expensive renewable technologies.
Embodied energy is something we can calculate throughout the project and we place great emphasis on sourcing local and sustainable materials for all our schemes.
Passivhaus FAQs
There are a few questions that often come up when we discuss Passivhaus design and sustainability with our clients; we’ve answered a few below:
There are two approaches to ‘Net Zero Carbon’ in buildings, in construction and in use. Simply put, the principle for both is ensuring that carbon emissions associated with constructing and operating the building are balanced against on- or off-site renewable energy sources or other offset methods. ‘Carbon Neutral’ means the same thing, whilst a ‘Carbon Negative’ building generates an amount renewable energy surplus to its own needs which it then exports for others’ use.
It’s great that you’re thinking about the impact of your project! We’re keen advocators of Passivhaus as a building standard as it goes way beyond the current UK Building Regulations to ensure that not only will your building require minimal energy to run, but also provide an incredibly comfortable internal environment.
It is true that Passivhaus developments do cost more, in general, to build – current estimates suggest a 10% uplift against a ‘standard’ Building Regs compliant build – however, this initial investment results in a building that is so energy-efficient, your heating demand will be reduced by 75%, providing long-term savings on heating and cooling bills. For an 80% reduction in carbon emissions against a standard build, we think it’s a worthwhile investment, for you and the planet.
No - the Passivhaus principles can also be applied to retrofit projects, bringing your existing building up to the Low Energy Building standard.
This is a very common question! The principles of Passivhaus mean that a very high level of airtightness is achieved and your fresh air is provided mechanically, but this doesn’t mean you can’t and shouldn’t open your windows on a nice day. You may find that the air quality inside is so good that you don’t feel the need, however, thanks to the filtration of the air supply! Thanks to this airtightness, drafts and noise pollution are effectively eradicated, making for a very cosy space.